Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Salam.. semuaa.. rasa mcm dah lama juga tak update blog ni.. huhu.. anyway..on 30th November 2011. I telah ditemukan oleh Lya L'Touch dengan Mas (TQ Lya L'Touch).. She's request to do a makeup for 'Outdoor Photoshoot'.. So.. this is the result! Taraaaa...Isn't She Luvly?! She's look sooo sweetttt.. ("_")Tq soo Much Mas & Zaki coz belanja Catt makan (Lapor betul masa tu huhu).Btw Photoshoot ni bertempat di FRIM, KEPONG.. huhu It's a very nice place!.. teringat masa sekolah dolu2 ahaha.. Ok Guyz please enjoy the picture.. If there is any request or comment plz email it to me k.. Luv Ya! Muahhhss.. (^_^)